Week 13

This week involved going back to my earlier notes/readings to consolidate them with the progress that I have made with CYO Airport Story and A LOT of writing, in order to meet the M4 DREAM requirements. While writing my technical paper on this project was both difficult and time-consuming, now that it is finished, I am feeling a greater sense of accomplishment at the end of this DREAM experience. It is interesting how it is difficult to see your progress, especially when you aren’t able to actively work on production as much as you would like, until you sit down and write everything up. I am now able to clearly see that I actually did get quite a bit done. I am feeling very good about the design of my project and I feel like I have a good handle on the tasks that still need to be accomplished in order to fully finish CYO Airport Story. (I will actually be continuing this project for the Spring 2024 semester through a master’s project class at Tufts.) I am also so glad that I took the Autism Across the Lifespan course, which involved a major theme within my project during the same semester. Having a dedicated lecture and readings based on the intended audience for this project was invaluable. I know that the paper and the design would not have been as strong without having taken this course. I am also incredibly grateful for my dedicated advisor Fahad, who has agreed to continue as my advisor on this project this new semester through the master’s project class offered at Tufts. He offered a good balance of insight, motivation, support, and discipline for me to explore this project productively.

Written on January 7, 2024